What is Physical Literacy?

Content credit “Sport For Life”
Learn more at www.sportforlife.ca
Content credit “Sport For Life”
Learn more at www.sportforlife.ca

Physical Literacy

The Gateway To Be Physically Active For Life

Physical literacy is when kids have developed the skills, confidence, and love of movement to be physically active for life,

When you were a child, what were your experiences with sports? When you participated in team sports, swimming lessons, dance classes, or P.E. classes did you have fun? Did you learn skills? And did it make you want to continue?

We aim to make physical literacy fun by providing exciting challenges and rich skill development. When we make it fun, challenging and instructive, you can expect your child to have these results:

  • Your child will stay physically active throughout their lifetime
  • Your child will have the foundation skills necessary to pursue high level sports if they so choose

Our goal is to promote physical literacy opportunities to contribute to the overall wellness of your child.

Physical Literacy

Physical literacy can be described as the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.

Whitehead, 2014

Physical Literacy Life Cycle

Physical Literacy Life Cycle

Physical Literacy Life Cycle

Physical Literacy Life Cycle

The Benefits Of Being Active

Physical Literacy Life Cycle

How Is Physical Literacy Developed?

Physical Literacy

0 – 3 Years

Encourage early movement.

Physical Literacy

3 – 5 Years

Expand on play, and keep it fun.

Physical Literacy

5 – 8 Years

Increase the focus on fundamental movement skills.

Physical Literacy

8 – 12 Years

Introduce more complex skills as kids are ready.

Content credit “Active For Life”
Learn more at www.activeforlife.com

Developing Physical Literacy

In The Early Years

Developing physical literacy is an essential part of healthy child development. Children who are exposed to a multitude of movement experiences in a variety of environments are more confident and competent movers, thus giving them a greater chance of remaining active throughout their lifespan. The first 5 years of a child’s life are the most important in terms of development s the brain is busy growing and creating neural connections with each new experience. The more a child moves their body in different ways, the more connections that are created and the more that child explores those movements, the stronger those connections become building a strong foundation for future learning and development.

Content credit “Be Fit for Life | Moving Alberta”
Learn more at www.befitforlife.ca

Developing physical literacy is an essential part of healthy child development. Children who are exposed to a multitude of movement experiences in a variety of environments are more confident and competent movers, thus giving them a greater chance of remaining active throughout their lifespan. The first 5 years of a child’s life are the most important in terms of development s the brain is busy growing and creating neural connections with each new experience. The more a child moves their body in different ways, the more connections that are created and the more that child explores those movements, the stronger those connections become building a strong foundation for future learning and development.

Content credit “Be Fit for Life | Moving Alberta”
Learn more at www.befitforlife.ca

Let’s Talk

We know that choosing the right daycare facility is an important decision for parents to make. Reach out to us, and we will be happy to give you a tour of our dayhome or answer any questions you might have.

We are accepting pre-registrations for enrollment.

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    By submitting this form, you are also agreeing to be added to our Newsletter where you can receive information about Meal Plans, Activities & relevant PSA's for your "Mini Movers" that you can apply immediately if suitable to your Parenting Style and/or "Mini Movers" specific needs! You may unsubscribe at any time.

    Let’s Talk

    We know that choosing the right daycare facility is an important decision for parents to make. Reach out to us, and we will be happy to give you a tour of our dayhome or answer any questions you might have.

    We are accepting pre-registrations for enrollment.

      Parent/Guardian Information

      Mini Mover Details

      By submitting this form, you are also agreeing to be added to our Newsletter where you can receive information about Meal Plans, Activities & relevant PSA's for your "Mini Movers" that you can apply immediately if suitable to your Parenting Style and/or "Mini Movers" specific needs! You may unsubscribe at any time.